Demo video

4月 14, 2006

No Japanese craziness. Plain and simple demo for you.

Watch it from YouTube: here.

So, here we begin…

4月 9, 2006

Inflame Casting ScreenshotI know there are quite few CMSs for podcasting. I imagine many have already been using plugins for WordPress or MT enabling podcasting capability. I think those are great and works for lots of people. I have been podcasting for over a year now, and I am bit frustrated that I couldn't do what I want for podcast. And, as a listener, I noticed few things that are quite inconvenient.

  • I can't skip to a certain part of the show ( I know MP4/ACC are capable, but you think everyone is using iPod/QuickTime7? I don't think so).
  • Poor shownote
  • I can't link to the certain part of the show.
  • I would like to know which part of shownote I am listening.

I noticed from my statistics that many are listening from browsers rather than music players. Rather than giving a direct link to the audiofile, I thought it would be great to provide a player that can link to a certain part of shownote. So, here is what I came up with (sorry it's written in Japanese).

I am not trying to make the ultimate podcasting CMS for everyone. This CMS is good for podcasters who make shownote before recording.

The CMS is PHP/MySQL driven and quite bit of CSS/JavaScript coding (I can't say enough thank  to prototype.js and moofx speeding up a whole developement process). I am not quite finished yet, but I thought it's a good idea to hear from you guys what you think (what to improve). I am a designer, so I am sure my programming is kinda sloppy.

In near future, I would like to distribute the CMS as open source. For now, I am just using it for myself as a demonstration. Unfortunately, I don't have much knowledge how to run/maintain open source project. It would be great if someone gives me an advice about that.

More details in future posts, so stay tune 😉
If you want a direct contact, please email me.

Hello world!

4月 9, 2006

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